Stateless client
Thaddeus Dryja (MIT DCI)
Drawbacks from Thead by Dryja Proofs become outdated every time a new block arrives and nodes modify their accumulator.
John Adler (2019.6)
Accumulator: Sparse Merkle Tree (SMT)
Transactions can be included within$ Dblocks (a system parameter)
Each block has a state delta, with which each transaction is verified
In an UTXO model, this is the set of UTXOs that are added/removed
Cryptographic Primitives
Dan Boneh, Benedikt B¨unz, Ben Fisch (Stanford University)
RSA Accumulator
STARKs for Stateless Clients - the Beginning Video @StarkWare Sessions 2019 "An ideal log accumulator for Ethereum stateless clients. In particular witnesses are only ever updated once."
Soujanya Ponnapalli, Aashaka Shah, Amy Tai, Souvik Banerjee, Vijay Chidambaram, Dahlia Malkhi, Michael Wei
Present Distributed Merkle Patrica Tree (DMPT), a novel data structure that reduces the overheads of the MPT
Other proposals
Alexander Chepurnoy, Charalampos Papamanthou, and Yupeng Zhan
This paper proposes stateless validation of blockchain state, without Alice needing to provide proof of Bob's balance to validators if Alice is sending funds to Bob. Which is nice because people only need to store their own state. But needs trusted setup. Tweet by Mustafa Doriane Perard, Jérôme Lacan, Yann Bachy, Jonathan Detchart
Stateless client in RSK: Tweet